
Turkish Dinner ft. Vinkara's Wines

2016-10-22 shenzhenparty

We warmly welcome you to our upcoming wine tasting dinner at the newly opened Turkish restaurant DOORS Chillout Lounge in Sea World, Shekou, SZ. The dinner will feature a lineup of Turkish winery Vinkara's award winning selections - Sparkling, White, Rose, Red and Sweet wines.


The meal consists of 5-6 courses of authentic Turkish dishes, which are specifically designed to pair with different Vinkara wines. You will have to a chance to taste indigenous Turkish grapes, such as Narince, Öküzgözü, kalecik karasi and Bogazkere, etc.


Don't miss this opportunity. Come join our party and meet with the Turkish chef and wine experts!


cass@evercohol.com / Wechat: Evercohol-Wine



晚宴将有土耳其酒庄Vinkara的获奖选择 - 起泡酒,白葡萄酒,玫瑰,红葡萄酒和甜葡萄酒。餐点包括5-6道地道的土耳其菜肴,专门设计与8-9款酒的Vinkara葡萄酒配对。 您将有机会品尝土著土耳其葡萄品种,如Narince,Öküzgözü,kalecik karasi和Bogazkere等。




cass@evercohol.com / 微信: Evercohol-Wine

Event Date: Tuesday, December 6, 2016, 6pm - 9pm

Pricing Info: RMB500 per guest

Booking Phone Number: 13911471029

Place Name: Doors Chillout Lounge

Place Address: 6-21 Xuefu Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen (near the Shenzhen University west gate) 深圳南山区学府路6-21号(近深圳大学西门)

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